Wednesday, January 1, 2014

What I Learned in 2013

Like I said before....2013 was a great year. I definitely learned a lot (which is to be expected since I'm at the ripe old age of 23...) Early 20s are such a weird time. For the first time in my life I'm not "supposed" to be doing anything. It sounds weird, but I feel like there were set mile stones that I could check off or align myself with. Driving, college, internship, graduation....And now I'm stuck in a bit of the early 20s limbo. Establishing myself, working on my marriage, and attempting to start a career. Here are a few little nuggets of wisdom I picked up throughout 2013.

People's lives aren't as they appear on Facebook...or Instagram...or Pinterest....and on top of is better lived in the moment. Not through social media. No need to compare my everyday to someone else's best day. 

When you get what you "always" wanted, it usually isn't might not be what you expected-- I found this to be true a few times this year. But I would have never known if I didn't try. Such a conundrum. Fortunately nothing is permanent. The important thing to remember is that "what you have now, you once yearned for". The reality is, I should be proud of myself for achieving a goal, and excited to reach for something new.

I feel the happiest, and most on top of my game when I'm working out 4-5 days per week. I don't look at it as time lost, or sweat shed anymore. It's for my health, especially my mental health. It helps me organize my time. It's "me" time, but if I'm lucky I'll catch my husband out of the corner of my eye ;) And the added bonus is I weigh the same as I did when I graduated HS. minus the christmas weight of course ;) 

Marriage is more fulfilling than I ever could have expected or imagined. I'm thankful each day for a husband who loves me unconditionally, and forgives me at the drop of the hat. It's not always easy or fun [but it usually is with him] And man...there is not another soul on this earth I'd rather spend my days with. Can't believe that we are headed toward year 3 of marriage....just a toddler when you think about it.....

Worrying won't get you anywhere. I seem to forget this one. A lot. So much that my phone wallpaper now says RELAX. 

And most of all, experiences, travel, and quality time spent are more precious than anything money can buy (unless it's a Louis bag). My love language is quality time, so this is a big one for me. 

I'm looking forward to a new year. I love me a fresh start....and there's nothing I find more fulfilling (other than actually bringing said goals to fruition) is working on my goals for the year. And all I really want, is to come out on the other side of 2014 feeling that I enjoyed the moment, and feeling (at least mostly) at peace with myself. There will always be people who push you to do things, try things, be a certain someone, etc. But lately I'm finding it a challenge to discover what I truly want for myself. 

Cheers to a fresh start, and a happy & healthy new year! xoxo

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