Monday, January 6, 2014

Motivation Monday: New Years Goals/Resolutions

This year, I've decided to do resolutions differently. Instead of trying to overhaul my whole life in January (which is neither realistic nor practical), I'm breaking things up month by month and giving each area 30 days to focus, and hopefully establish new habits. I was inspired by this post by the Hollywood Housewife, the book I read in December (The Happiness Project), and this post which I came across on Pinterest.

Rather than plan my whole year right now, I'll be breaking goals down into categories, and assign each category a month of it's own to focus on. In my situation--early 20's, husband in college, and lease up on my townhome in the summer-- it's really not possible to plan a whole year at a time, so this is a good way to ensure success.  I will plan the first couple of months (and may not even do this every month--and continue as the year progresses. I really think this isn't so much about "resolutions" either- more like goal setting and implementing in an organized manner. But I just so happen to be starting in January. 

This month will be focused on Finances. I'm 23 and feel like I don't have a lot of budgeting and financial experience/knowledge, so I will be reading Dave Ramsey's book, while doing a spending freeze for the month. The holidays did a number on my bank account, so this is the perfect time to get back on track. I plan on only spending on the necessities (groceries, bills, gas) in addition to one planned ski day we have while my husband's cousin is in town. Other than that, the only other thing I want to buy is a planner, which I actually intended on purchasing last week. 

February my focus will be on organization. I will divide the month into segments in order to focus on small projects including cleaning/organizing my closets & bathroom cabinets, and re-vamping my filing system. I also plan to use some of the tips on this post by a Healthy Slice of Life

The following months will include things like spirituality, emotional health/positivity,enjoying the great outdoors, and love & marriage. I love this method because it's not overwhelming and actually gives me a plan to accomplish what I want. A win-win, really. 

I will probably be doing updates as the year goes on giving more specifics of each month, and what's working/what isn't.

What are your 2014 goals and resolutions? What's your plan to stick to them this year?

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