Sunday, March 16, 2014

Try Something New!

Happy Sunday! Spring is almost here and I am loving the longer days. It's always good to switch up your routine when in a rut, especially after a long winter. This week I tried spin for my first time and I loved it! I plan on making it part of my Saturday Morning from now on. I can't believe how much fun it was, and how much I worked up a sweat.... I'm excited to bring my husband next week! 


Accountability for the last week....

I have been sticking to my plan this month and it feels great. Here were my workouts for the last week:

Monday- Back/bi's 
Tues- Legs 
Wednesday- shoulders 
Thursday- Cardio 
Friday- chest/tries
Saturday- Spin 
Sunday- Rest day 

I made a big effort to increase my weight or reps in my workouts because I felt I was getting into a rut, and not pushing myself. I noticed a big difference and was super sore! You will be amazed at what your body is capable of if you just push yourself! Staying in that comfort zone isn't doing you any favors...

This time of year it's so much easier for me to hit the gym, and get out and be active. I'm happy I've stayed pretty consistent in the gym this winter, but I've kicked it up a notch this month, and I feel really good. It's amazing what those endorphins can do for you. It's not only easier for me to get my exercise in this time of year, but I also crave fruits and veggies like crazy! I've been on a smoothie kick and I don't see it stopping any time soon. Smoothies are difficult to drink when it's snowing out, but now that it's a a bit warmer I cannot get enough! I'm perfecting my green smoothie and will be posting soon...

SO...Try something new this week...a new recipe, vegetable, workout-- anything! 

Happy Sunday! 

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