Monday, January 20, 2014

Motivation Monday: Weekend Motivational Event Re-cap

This weekend I attended the Motivational event put on by the Instagram Famous Amy- aka @fitamysuzanne. She lives in the area and I actually met her through mutual friends a few years ago (before her fitness journey started), so it felt a little "stalker-ish" going, but I am so glad I did. My husband came a long and he enjoyed it just as much as I did.  Amy shared her story of how she went from a mom who wanted to lose a few pounds to an IFBB pro in a very short amount of time. It was so inspiring to hear from someone who was so "normal" but wasn't content with remaining average. There are so many people who claim they "don't have the time" and she really puts that excuse to rest. She's a nurse and a mom, and trains for competitions a few hours a day. She talked about priorities and basically said, if it's important enough- you will make time.


Her coach Shane, of Team Heugly also spoke at the event. He talked about the importance of having goals- goals that seem so far out of reach, you question whether they are achievable. This really made me think. Shane's words about setting specific goals and taking steps each day to get there really stuck with me. It really made me think about what I want out of my life, and what it will take to get there. He emphasized having someone who believes in you, and this made me so grateful for my husband....

The last speaker was Jasmine- aka @jazzythings- The healthy dessert extraordinaire. She spoke about having passion and healthy food (which is her passion). She left her high profile job a while back to follow her passion for cooking and you can tell she does everything 100%. Not only is she insanely motivating, but she is hilarious! I am excited to attend the event she is hosting next month! 

I left this event feeling so inspired. Even though the speakers mostly talked about health and fitness, their words really apply in any aspect of life. I'm still buzzing from the event. It left me feeling so positive, uplifted, and motivated to work for what I want in also reminded me of an experience i had last year....

I remember sitting at my cubicle (at a job I held previously). I looked around and I felt like there were so many people who were just content being there. It was a great company and an ok job, and they felt fine about their current situation, and most didn't really seem to have any intent to make any changes. As I looked around I felt bad, and I knew that I wasn't going to just hang out and let life take me along. I knew that I had to work hard, but that it would be worth it! I think I should mention that this wasn't coming from a place of conceit or arrogance. I didn't feel bad for them. I just knew I wanted something different. I'm still working for my "something different" but the event this weekend really made me want to kick it up a notch.

(really poor iphone camera quality haha)

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