Thursday, April 4, 2013

Eating Clean

I have people ask me on a regular basis about healthy eating and working out. The answer is both simple and difficult at the same time. The simple answer is to eat healthy and exercise. Unfortunately that's also the difficult answer. There are so many "diets" and workouts that are being promoted that it's very difficult to know where to start. The important thing to remember is that being healthy is a lifestyle- it's not a diet, or an exercise program or a gym membership, or a magic pill. It's living in a healthful way. 

I would recommend starting by cleaning up your diet. This means less processed foods (anything that comes in a bag, box, or can) and more fresh foods. There's a saying that goes "you can't outrun a bad diet" and that is SO true.  

Don't expect that your habits will change overnight! Be patient with yourself, and slowly incorporate more clean foods into your diet. Making small changes will yield big results! 

If your lifestyle is healthy, it will not be detrimental for you to have a treat once in a while (unlike crash diets). It's important to have a positive mindset. When you feel very restricted, you are more likely to binge (again- as with crash diets). If you are eating healthy, you can afford to have a cheat meal out once in a while.

It is very possible to have healthy delicious food, and not feel the need to eat junk. I am now at the point where I literally feel sick when I eat anything greasy or fatty. I know that if it's not what you're used to it may take a while to adjust. If you ever do feel the urge for a treat, there are tons of option on the internet for leaner, cleaner versions of the real thing- and chances are that you may not even know the difference!

Here is a basic breakdown for a complete breakfast, lunch , and dinner:

Breakfast: Protein+ fruit+ complex carb 

**In my opinion, this is truly the most important meal of the day. Don't skip it!!

egg whites + whole wheat toast/ sandwich round + fruit
oats w/ protein powder and fruit
smoothie (don't forget to include your protein! use nut butter or protein powder)
greek yogurt+ fruit 
protein shake 
protein pancakes

Lunch: Protein+ fruit/vegetable
TIP** If i'm grilling meat/ veggies for dinner, I make extra so I can just take it to work with me for lunch the next day 

tuna salad w/ greek yogurt or cottage cheese instead of mayo 
hummus and vegetables with whole wheat crackers/ pita chips
grilled chicken w/ salad and balsamic
roasted veggies+ brown rice or quinoa

salmon, green beans, sweet potatoes

Dinner: Protein+ vegetable + complex carb

salmon, tilapia, turkey burgers, chicken breasts, flank steak, etc
whole wheat pasta, brown rice, quinoa, sweet potatoes 

turkey burgers + guac =  best combo ever

quinoa salad

fruit + nut butter
brown rice cake w/ yogurt
greek yogurt or cottage cheese + fruit (I recommend buying plain greek yogurt, but if you do buy flavored yogurt, read the label!) 
string cheese
carrot and celery sticks 
trail mix (make a mix of your own for fewer calories than the store-bought kind)

Obviously this is not an exhaustive list, just a basic idea of excellent whole foods to eat. Your food does not have to be plain or bland-- there are TONS of delicious, clean recipes available online! You can start here.

I would generally advise eating about 5 small meals/day. Some may be larger than others. It's important to never let yourself get to the point of being very hungry. I think everyone has experienced the feeling of being starving and eating the first thing in sight- that's the last thing you want! It's so important to plan ahead so you have healthy options available to you at all times! 

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