Sunday, December 1, 2013

I'm back...

I'm back from my little hiatus (which I didn't even really mean to take) I'm not sure where the month of November went, but it sure flew by quickly. I had a wonderful and quiet Thanksgiving with my husband, and now the count down is on for Christmas vacations with our families. We get to see both sides this year, and I couldn't be happier. 


In honor of Thanksgiving, and in an effort to focus on more of what I have than what I don't have (especially in the season of Christmas lists and want, want wants) ...A little list of some blessings in my life:

  • my husband- I can't say enough about the wonderful man I have by my side
  • family-immediate, and extended. I hate that they live so far, but I'm always happy for a warm climate to visit 
  • my job
  • a warm home and bed (which we refer to as the cloud)
  • a garage- for the first time since living in this cold climate I have a garage and man does it make a difference on those cold winter mornings
  • technology that allows me to communicate (and talk face to face) with my family 

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