Monday, August 5, 2013

Motivation Monday: Confession Time

The last few weeks of my life have been pretty stressful for my husband and myself due to new jobs and a move (not far, but a move nonetheless). During this time I've been MUCH more lenient with my workouts than I have been in months. I gave myself a break because a)carrying boxes down 3 flights of stairs is a pretty good workout (also all of the cleaning/other labor that comes with moving) and b) I was busy, etc, etc. and c) I was used to working out at the fitness center at my complex, which after moving, obviously is no longer available to me. 

our new (town)home

The truth is though, I feel more stressed and more anxious than I have in forever. Of course this had to do with the move and job change, but I honestly think it had a lot to do with not exercising as well. Exercise is great for anxiety and depression, and I thoroughly reap those benefits. It's important to remember that exercise is great not only for your physical health, but for mental health as well!! 

SO tonight I went to Lifetime Fitness, a gym near my new job, and I got myself a membership after falling in L-O-V-E with the beautiful facility. And I already feel so much better. I got in a great workout with my husband and I feel good. 

Know what motivates you--for me that is not just looking good or feeling good about myself-- but feeling good on the inside. Feeling happy and secure. I know myself well enough to know that exercise has a huge impact on my stress and anxiety levels, and I will do whatever I can to keep those low (and avoid a panic attack). 

Figure out what motivates YOU!!

that's good enough for me!

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